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A Beginner’s Guide to Securing Your Financial Future

The People of Building Wealth


Meet Bess

This is Bess. She’s a 73-year-old retired secretary who worked for the same company for 40 years. A widow, she lives on her pension and Social Security. She lives in her home that she and her husband bought 53 years ago.

After some unexpected home repairs and a short hospital stay, she got behind on her bills. She wanted to stay independent, so without telling her grown kids, Bess took out a $5,000 loan. The fees were excessive and the interest rate very high, and pretty soon she couldn’t make the payments. She refinanced multiple times, getting deeper and deeper in debt. When her children found out about her situation, they paid off the debt.


Take a look at the forms below to see how Bess put Building Wealth into practice.

You can learn more by following her journey throughout the chapters and review.

All of these tools are available for you to complete on your own either online (web) or by downloading a spreadsheet (xls) or blank PDF document (pdf).

How do you define wealth?

Use Bess’s definition as an example.

example web pdf

From the Introduction

What is your net worth?

Use Bess’s balance sheet as an example.

example web xls pdf

From Chapter 1: Learn the Language

Set financial goals.

Use Bess’s financial goals as an example.

example web pdf

From Chapter 2: Budget to Save

Track your day-to-day spending.

Use Bess’s spending log as an example.

example web xls pdf

From Chapter 2: Budget to Save

Get a handle on income and expenses.

Use Bess’s budget as an example.

example web xls pdf

From Chapter 2: Budget to Save

Plan your investment strategy.

Use Bess’s strategy as an example.

example web pdf

From Chapter 3: Save and Invest

Take steps to control your debt.

Use Bess’s debt situation as an example.

example web xls pdf

From Chapter 4: Build Credit and Control Debt

Review what you know.

Use Bess’s review as an example.

example web pdf

From Review

Now you’ve met Bess. Also, meet the other people of Building Wealth.


Learn how you can begin your path to a secure financial future.
Get started with the Introduction.


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