Rashida Dawson
United Way of Northwest Louisiana
Shreveport, Louisiana
Rashida Dawson is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Community Advisory Council.
Dawson is the vice president of financial stability of United Way of Northwest Louisiana (UWNWLA) and the nonprofit manager of the Shreveport Financial Empowerment Center. She oversees and manages various financial empowerment programs including the Bank on Northwest Louisiana initiative, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, Louisiana’s first Financial Empowerment Center in direct partnership with the city of Shreveport and the Shreveport Guaranteed Income pilot program.
She is the president of the Rotary Club of South Shreveport, co-chair of Louisiana Asset Funders Network’s Steering Committee, a member of Cadence Bank’s CRA Advisory Council, the Northwest Louisiana Reentry Coalition and the Young Professionals Initiative.
Dawson earned her BBA in marketing from the University of Louisiana at Monroe and is currently pursuing her MBA in project management.