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International Economic Data

Database of Global Economic Indicators

NOTE: June 2024—After an extensive review process, the DGEI has been resampled to more accurately reflect the evolving global economy and the availability of data. This resampling meant replacing Portugal, Costa Rica, Venezuela and Greece with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Romania and Vietnam. Hence, this month’s aggregates will be different than prior releases. Additionally, the aggregates are now available in four different aggregation schemes: U.S. trade weights, world trade weights, PPP-adjusted GDP weights and nominal GDP weights. Prior releases of the DGEI have only been reported for U.S. trade weights. An updated version of the DGEI working paper will be released soon detailing the changes to the database.

Real Economic Activity Indicators

Price Indicators

Trade Indicators

Financial Indicators

About the Database of Global Economic Indicators

The Database of Global Economic Indicators (DGEI) from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas standardizes and disseminates world economic indicators for policy analysis and scholarly work on the role of globalization. Using a wide selection of economic indicators, the DGEI offers a broad perspective on how economic developments around the world influence the U.S. economy. DGEI includes a core sample of 40 countries with available indicators and broad coverage. Country groupings include rest of the world (ex. the U.S.) aggregates and subgroups of countries by development attainment and trade openness of which we regularly include only advanced (ex. the U.S.) and emerging in this website. The economic indicators tracked include:

  • real GDP
  • industrial production (IP)
  • merchandise exports and imports
  • headline CPI, CPI (ex. food and energy)
  • PPI/WPI inflation
  • nominal and real exchange rates
  • official/policy interest rates and
  • long-term interest rates.

All series are monthly, with the exception of real GDP which is reported at a quarterly frequency. Aggregation is based on U.S. trade weights, world trade weights, PPP-adjusted GDP weights and nominal GDP weights.

A detailed description of the sources and methodology can be found below. We would appreciate that anyone wishing to use this data, modified or otherwise, acknowledge its source with a citation of the methodological paper: for example, including a statement such as: “The authors acknowledge use of the dataset described in Grossman, Mack and Martínez García (2014).”


"A New Database of Global Economic Indicators," Valerie Grossman, Adrienne Mack and Enrique Martínez García, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, Vol. 39(3), pp. 163-197, 2014. A working paper version of this article appeared as "Database of Global Economic Indicators (DGEI): A Methodological Note," Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper no. 166, December 2013.

Contact Information

For questions, comments or suggestions about the data or the webpage, please contact the authors at:

Lillian Derr:
Braden Strackman:
Enrique Martínez García:
Valerie Grossman: