U.S. Economy
Stay informed with our analysis on the United States economy
Economic data
Trimmed Mean PCE
The Trimmed Mean PCE inflation rate is an alternative measure of core inflation in the price index for personal consumption expenditures (PCE).
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Weekly Economic Index
The WEI is an index of 10 daily and weekly indicators of real economic activity, scaled to align with the four-quarter GDP growth rate.
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Market value of U.S. government debt
Par and market values are reported for gross federal debt, privately held gross federal debt and marketable Treasury debt.
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U.S. economic data
List of all U.S. data produced by the Dallas Fed.
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Working papers and research
The Returns to Government R&D: Evidence from U.S. Appropriations Shocks
Based on a narrative classification of all significant postwar changes in R&D appropriations for five major federal agencies, this paper finds that an increase in nondefense R&D appropriations leads to increases in various measures of innovative activity and higher business-sector productivity in the long run.
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The Impact of the 2022 Oil Embargo and Price Cap on Russian Oil Prices
This paper documents the effect of the oil embargo and price cap on Russian oil exports in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
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Investing in the Batteries and Vehicles of the Future: A View Through the Stock Market
A large number of companies operating in the EV and battery supply chain have listed on a U.S. stock exchange in recent years. This paper compiles a unique data set of high-frequency stock returns for those companies and investigates the extent to which an “industry” factor specific to the EV and battery supply chain (an “EV” factor) can explain their returns.
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Estimating Macroeconomic News and Surprise Shocks
This paper examines the ability of the state-of-the-art VAR approach in Kurmann and Sims (2021) to identify responses to TFP news shocks and possibly surprise shocks in theory and practice.
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A Narrative Analysis of Federal Appropriations for Research and Development
This paper provides a narrative analysis of postwar federal appropriations for the research and development (R&D) activities of the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation—five agencies that consistently account for the vast majority of federal outlays for all types of R&D.
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Deposit Convexity, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Banks and researchers conventionally model the response of deposit interest rates to market interest rates as constant, implying that deposits have nearly constant duration. Contrary to this standard assumption, this paper shows empirically that the “beta” of deposit rates to market rates increases as market rates rise, causing the duration of deposits to fall.
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Explore the national economy
Mexico nearshoring yet to yield big investment despite global trade tensions
The resulting reality surrounding nearshoring’s impact on Mexico’s economy is nuanced. While Mexico has made gains, many of them stem from trade diversion rather than large-scale foreign capital relocation.
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Rising unemployment doesn’t counter signs of strong GDP growth
Real (inflation-adjusted) GDP grew strongly during the second and third quarters of 2024, increasing at an annualized pace of 2.9 percent. Yet, the unemployment rate also rose 0.4 percentage points, an unusually large amount except during recessions.
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