Carine M. Feyten
Texas Woman’s University
Denton, Texas
Carine M. Feyten is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Community Advisory Council.
Feyten serves as the chancellor of Texas Woman’s University System and president of Texas Woman’s University. Under her leadership, Texas Woman’s received the American Council on Education and Fidelity Investments’ 2023 Award for Institutional Transformation tied to outcomes from the university’s previous strategic plan, Learn to Thrive. Texas Woman’s also earned the 2023 Seal of Excelencia for the alignment of leadership strategies, practices and outcomes to intentionally serve Latinx students, which comprise 44.3 percent of the university’s class of 2027. Earlier in her tenure, The Economist ranked Texas Woman’s 45th out of 1,275 institutions in the nation and 2nd in Texas for the value added to its graduates’ income earning potential; the Dallas Business Journal ranked the university No. 1 in the DFW region for its graduates’ earnings relative to tuition costs.
Feyten holds a BA in Germanic philology and an MA in English, Dutch and education from the Université Catholique de Louvain. She holds a PhD in interdisciplinary education from the University of South Florida.