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Financial Sector Advisory Council

Karen Karniol-Tambour

Co-Chief Investment Officer
Bridgewater Associates

Karen Karniol-TambourKaren Karniol-Tambour is a member of the Federal Reserve of Dallas Financial Sector Advisory Council.

Karniol-Tambour is co-chief investment officer at Bridgewater Associates, responsible for managing the company’s investment process. She oversees the systemization of Bridgewater’s research into trading strategies, manages the development of proprietary investment management models, directs the design and implementation of client investment strategies, and publishes timely market understanding to clients and global policy makers via Bridgewater’s Daily Observations. Karniol-Tambour also co-leads the firm’s Sustainable Investing efforts, overseeing the design of new investment solutions with both financial and sustainability objectives. She joined Bridgewater in 2006 after graduating from Princeton University.

Karniol-Tambour is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, was included in Fortune’s "40 Under 40" most influential leaders in business in 2019, and has been named to Barron's list of "Most Influential Women in U.S. Finance" for five years in a row.