Dallas Fed: Free trade Is a friend to consumers
For immediate release: June 4, 2003
DALLAS—The key to America’s
high living standards is specialization and trade, according
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' 2002 annual report
In "The Fruits of Free Trade," Senior Vice
President and Chief Economist W. Michael Cox and co-author
Richard Alm write that consumers benefit from trade
because of the competition it brings. Protection weakens
us. The discipline of free trade causes us to specialize
and produce efficiently. The secret to wealth is Do
what you do best and trade for the rest.
“If we open markets,
specialization and trade will work their magic for American
consumers, just as they have for most of our history,"
the authors write.
Research comparing nations’ economic freedom with
their economic performance finds a positive correlation.
Likewise, citizens of economically freer U.S. states
earn more than those in other states.
The authors caution against both internal and external
trade barriers. Tariffs, import quotas, anti-dumping
laws, domestic content requirements and more cost consumers
billions annually while making producers less competitive
on world markets. Restrictions against interstate Web
commerce in mortgages, autos, real estate brokerage,
contact lenses and more threaten to rob the consumer
of the new economy’s bounty. In the battle of
producers versus consumers, “producers want scarcity
and high prices while consumers want abundance and low
prices.” A lack of vigilance against protectionists
will harm consumers.
Media contact:
James Hoard
Phone: (214) 922-5307
e-mail: james.hoard@dal.frb.org