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New federal statistical research data center opens at the Dallas Fed

For Immediate Release: December 6, 2018

DALLAS—The Dallas-Fort Worth Federal Statistical Research Data Center opened Dec. 5 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, giving area researchers access to high-quality, in-depth economic, demographic and health data.

Administered by the U.S. Census Bureau, the research data center program provides approved researchers with secure access to restricted-use microdata.

The DFW center is a partnership of the Census Bureau and a consortium of institutions led by the Dallas Fed and University of Texas at Dallas. Additional members include the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, University of Texas at Arlington, Southern Methodist University, Texas Tech University/Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, University of North Texas, Texas Christian University and Dallas-Fort Worth Hospital Council Foundation.

"The significant research population in the Dallas-Fort Worth area supports the demand for this facility," said Wenhua Di, executive director and co-principal investigator for the center. "The center will advance scientific knowledge, improve data quality and inform public policy in fields spanning social, behavioral and economic sciences and the health professions, and extending to urban planning, and engineering,"

"The cutting-edge research opportunities afforded by the center will raise the profile of participating institutions and assist in attracting top research talent to the region. The center will be utilized by economists, sociologists, geographers, statisticians, health researchers, engineers, urban scholars and data scientists from Dallas-Fort Worth, West Texas and Oklahoma."

The DFW center is the 29th in the nation and was awarded as the result of an extensive competitive grant application process involving contributions from each consortium member and a review by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Census Bureau.


Media contact:
Jennifer Chamberlain
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Phone: (214) 922-6748