Comments on Applications
If members of the public want to comment on an application, comments must be received by the Federal Reserve on or before the last day of the comment period. The comment period ends no earlier than the date specified in the newspaper notice and, in the case of bank holding company application for which a Federal Register notice is published, may end later than that date. If you have any questions concerning procedures that should be followed in commenting on an application, you may contact Robert Amsler.
If you cannot submit your comments by the end of the time period, you may request an extension of time by contacting the Secretary of the Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C. 20551. Your request for an extension of time must be received no later than the last date of the comment period and should explain why you are unable to submit your comments on time. You will find more information on how to request additional time in the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR") at 12 CFR # 262.25(B) (as revised, Press Release January 31, 1984, 49 Federal Register 5603 [February 14, 1984]).
Public Meetings
For information on the Board's policy concerning the holding of public meetings, please see the Board's Policy Statement for Handling Protested Applications, 12 CFR # 262.25(C) and (D) (1984). The procedure for requesting a hearing can be found at 12 CFR # 262.3(e). You may wish to consult A Citizen's Guide to CRA, published by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council .
CRA evaluations are available to the public 30 business days after the institution receives the evaluation. Section V of this Bulletin lists those institutions where the 30-business days expired this week. If members of the public want information concerning a particular evaluation, requests should be made directly to the institution. The institution must provide a copy of this evaluation to the public upon request and may charge a fee, not to exceed actual costs, for reproduction and mailing. If you have any questions concerning procedures that should be followed to obtain information, you may contact Yaira Velez at (214) 922-6602.