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Digital Inclusion Research Webinar Series


Hosted by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Dallas, Kansas City, New York and Philadelphia

Join us during Digital Inclusion Week for a series of webinars highlighting the latest research on digital inclusion. Each webinar focuses on a timely topic, elevating policy-driven scholarship. The presentations will feature emerging methodologies, best practices and needs for future research. 

Academics, researchers, policymakers and community development practitioners are encouraged to register for one or more of the sessions.


Oct. 8, 2–3:30 p.m. CT
Following the Dollars: Measuring the Efficacy of Federal Broadband Funding
This webinar features research evaluating past and present federal broadband programs and their underlying data, providing insight into the policies’ design, implementation, and sustainability.

Oct. 9, 10–11:30 a.m. CT
The Broadband Affordability Burden: Exploring Research and Policies for Affordable High-Speed Internet for All
This webinar features research on the cost and affordability of high-speed broadband, especially for low- and moderate-income households. It looks at the household factors associated with the broadband cost burden, the implications of the end of the Affordable Connectivity Program and strategies for making broadband affordable for all.

Oct. 10, 12–1:30 p.m. CT
Evaluating Digital Skills: Data, Measurement Tools, and Outcomes 
This webinar highlights research on evaluating digital skill levels and the implications for workforce participation. It addresses methods for measuring digital skills and the importance of understanding varying skill levels to help close the digital skill divide.

Oct. 11, 11 a.m. –12:30 p.m. CT
Roundtable Discussion
We will wrap up the week with a roundtable discussion to further explore the session topics and network. Space is limited. 

About this series

This webinar series is a follow-up to the Digital Inclusion Research Forum hosted by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Dallas, Kansas City and Philadelphia in 2023.

The forum serves as a platform to share digital inclusion research and provide context for practitioners to understand and apply research to their work. It also highlights opportunities for new research.