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Women in Central Banking Workshop


The Women in Central Banking Workshop provides a platform for female PhD students working on topics relevant for central banks to present and receive feedback on their work. The workshop will foster interaction between presenters, conference attendees and senior economists working in central banks, providing ample opportunity for discussions and networking.


  • November 1, 2024


  • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
    2200 N. Pearl St.
    Dallas, TX 75201

Know before you go


Friday, Nov. 1
8:00 a.m. Registration and breakfast
8:45 a.m. Welcome address
Lorie Logan, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
9:00 a.m. Session 1: Banks and financial markets
Chair: Alessio Saretto, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Financing Intangibles
    Bianca He, Chicago Booth
    Discussant: Sam Schulhofer-Wohl, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Bank Funding to Nonbank Financiers—Risk Sharing or Regulatory Arbitrage
    Clara Xu, Wharton School
    Discussant: Jonathan Cohn, University of Texas at Austin
10:20 a.m. Break
10:50 a.m. Session 2: Monetary policy
Chair: Eleonora Granziera, Norges Bank
  • Monetary Policy across Inflation Regimes
    Valeria Gargiulo
    , Pompeu Fabra University; Christian Matthes, Indiana University and Katerina Petrova, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
    Discussant: Elisa Guglielminetti, Bank of Italy
  • Overcoming Trend Inflation—The Power of Average Inflation Targeting
    Fangqian Wu
    , Drexel University
    Discussant: Enrique Martínez García, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
12:10 p.m. Lunch break, with posters (listed below)
1:30 p.m. Keynote address
Anna Paulson, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
2:30 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Session 3: Macro
Chair: Xiaoqing Zhou, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Bridging the Employment Debate—The Minimum Wage, Monopsonistic Competition, and Automation
    Jonathan Arnold
    and Jordan Peeples, University of Pennsylvania
    Discussant: Lorenzo Aldeco, Banco de México
  • Identifying Macroeconomic Shocks Using Firm-level Data—MaterialShortages in the German Manufacturing Sector
    Friederike Fourné
    and Lara Zarges, Ifo Institute
    Discussant: Sarah Zubairy, Texas A&M University
4:20 p.m Break
4:40 p.m. Session 4: International trade
Chair: Lucie Lebeau, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Foreign Exchange Risk Management Across the Production Network
    Wentong Chen
    and Jisu Hwang, Cornell University
    Discussant: Wei Dong, Bank of Canada
  • Trademarks and Gains from Variety—The Role of Multinational Enterprises
    Giulia Lo Forte, University of British Columbia
    Discussant: Doireann Fitzgerald, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
6:00 p.m. Reception and dinner


  • Green Neighbors, Greener Neighborhoods
    Christine Zhuowei Huang
    , University of Texas at Dallas
  • Green Innovation in Multiproduct Firms, Environmental Policy, and Sustainable Investing
    Daria Matviienko, Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • Wealth Inequality and Labor Mobility: The Job Trap
    Elena Pellegrini, Boston College
  • Local Projections Inference with High-Dimensional Covariates without Sparsity
    Jooyoung Cha, Vanderbilt University
  • Build What and Where? The Distributional Effects of Housing Supply
    Lei Ma, Boston University
  • Are Millennials Ruining Monetary Policy? Student Loan Debt and Monetary Policy Transmission
    Molly Shatto
    , University of California San Diego
  • How Closing of Minority Depository Institutions Affects Credit in Their Communities
    Noara Razzak, Clemson University
  • Stubborn Dollarization in Emerging Markets
    Sage Belz, with Giselle Montamat (Canva) and Lina Thomas, Harvard University
  • Asset Purchase Programs and the Exchange Rate
    Sinem Yagmur Toraman
    , Johns Hopkins University
  • "Bank Walks" with Central Bank Digital Currency: Effects on Deposit Competition and Stability
    Xiaoying Li, Indiana University

Call for papers

We encourage female PhD students at all stages of their PhD studies to submit their work. Submissions in all areas of economics and finance, but especially macroeconomics, monetary economics, labor economics, international economics, international finance, financial intermediation, econometrics, energy economics, big data and other topics of general interest to central banks are welcome. Selected papers will be assigned a discussant. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas will cover travel and accommodation costs of presenters and discussants, subject to Federal Reserve travel guidelines.


Papers should be submitted to with subject line “Women in Central Banking Workshop Submission,” by Aug. 15, 2024. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by mid-September. If you have questions, please email Nitzan Tzur-Ilan.

Scientific Committee

  • Hilde C. Bjørnland, BI Norwegian Business School
  • Tatjana Dahlhaus, Bank of Canada
  • Wei Dong, Bank of Canada
  • Rocio Elizondo, Banco de México
  • Emilia Garcia-Appendini, Norges Bank
  • Eleonora Granziera, Norges Bank
  • Klodiana Istrefi, Banque de France
  • Marek Jarociński, European Central Bank
  • Haoyang Liu, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Natalya Martynova, Bundesbank
  • Isabelle Mejean, SciencesPo
  • Karel Mertens, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Galo Nuño, Banco de España
  • Ali Ozdagli, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Ilaria Supino, Bank of Italy

Organizing Committee

  • Emilia Garcia-Appendini, Norges Bank
  • Eleonora Granziera, Norges Bank
  • Kasper Roszbach, Norges Bank
  • Lucie Lebeau, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Pia Orrenius, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Nitzan Tzur-Ilan, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Mark Wynne, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Fang Yang, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Xiaoqing Zhou, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas