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Special Questions

Texas Business Outlook Surveys
October 31, 2022

Special Questions

For this month’s survey, Texas business executives were asked supplemental questions on labor market conditions. Results below include responses from participants of all three surveys: Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey and Texas Retail Outlook Survey.

Texas Business Outlook Surveys

Data were collected October 18–26, and 422 Texas business executives responded to the surveys.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Yes 60.1 68.7 67.9 68.4 65.9 61.6 56.2
No 39.9 31.3 32.1 31.6 34.1 38.4 43.8

NOTE: 418 responses.

2. What is your assessment of your firm’s current employment situation in light of your six-month outlook?

Oct. '22
We are understaffed and looking to hire for new positions  30.8
We are understaffed and looking to hire for replacement only 19.7
We are understaffed but opting not to hire at this time 12.3
We are at our ideal staffing level 21.2
We are overstaffed but opting not to lay off workers at this time  4.8
We are overstaffed and laying off workers  3.6
Other 7.7

NOTES: 416 responses.

3. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 66.7 75.9 75.5 73.3 76.0 74.1 69.4
Workers looking for more pay than is offered 33.8 40.8 50.6 53.4 51.9 52.3 54.9
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills) 41.2 35.1 44.6 43.0 40.8 41.4 44.7
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)  26.9 25.7 34.1 30.7 33.9 26.4 29.4
Lack of experience 38.4 32.2 36.1 32.7 38.6 36.8 37.0
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check 19.9 22.9 22.1 17.5 16.3 21.8 18.3
Lack of child care, including school interruptions 11.6 11.4 9.2 15.9 7.7 9.1 7.2
Fear of COVID-19 infection 8.3 6.5 11.2 15.5 3.4 4.1 0.9
COVID-19 exposure or infection 

13.5 1.3 1.8 1.3
Other 10.6 7.8 7.2 4.8 7.3 3.6 7.2
None 9.7 0.0 4.8 2.4 5.2 7.3 3.8

NOTES: 235 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

3a. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Improved significantly 0.5 0.5 1.6 0.6 1.2 0.0
Improved slightly 24.9 18.2 12.5 20.5 23.3 23.3
No change 47.6 46.0 40.8 48.9 44.2 54.0
Worsened slightly 16.8 26.7 35.9 25.6 25.2 17.2
Worsened significantly 10.3 8.6 9.2 4.5 6.1 5.5

NOTES: 163 responses. This question was only posed to those noting a lack of available applicants/no applicants.

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to provide comments. These comments can be found on the individual survey Special Questions results pages, accessible by the tabs above.

Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey

Data were collected October 18–26, and 94 Texas manufacturers responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Yes 70.7 80.2 78.0 83.0 73.9 65.5 56.4
No 29.3 19.8 22.0 17.0 26.1 34.5 43.6

NOTE: 94 responses.

2. What is your assessment of your firm’s current employment situation in light of your six-month outlook?

Oct. '22
We are understaffed and looking to hire for new positions  29.8
We are understaffed and looking to hire for replacement only 21.3
We are understaffed but opting not to hire at this time 13.8
We are at our ideal staffing level 14.9
We are overstaffed but opting not to lay off workers at this time  8.5
We are overstaffed and laying off workers  4.3
Other 7.4

NOTES: 94 responses.

3. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 75.7 84.4 82.1 71.8 83.8 83.6 64.2
Workers looking for more pay than is offered 32.9 44.2 52.6 57.7 44.1 58.2 60.4
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills) 51.4 40.3 52.6 52.6 60.3 56.4 52.8
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)  32.9 24.7 41.0 38.5 45.6 40.0 32.1
Lack of experience 42.9 37.7 42.3 32.1 44.1 43.6 41.5
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check 30.0 29.9 29.5 26.9 20.6 27.3 24.5
Lack of child care, including school interruptions 8.6 9.1 6.4 9.0 8.8 5.5 1.9
Fear of COVID-19 infection 2.9 3.9 7.7 14.1 2.9 0.0 0.0
COVID-19 exposure or infection 

10.3 2.9 0.0 0.0
Other 10.0 5.2 6.4 2.6 4.4 0.0 3.8
None 4.3 0.0 2.6 2.6 5.9 5.5 3.8

NOTES: 53 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

3a. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Improved significantly 1.5 0.0 1.8 1.8 0.0 0.0
Improved slightly 20.0 18.8 12.5 15.8 21.7 29.4
No change 50.8 43.8 44.6 45.6 41.3 50.0
Worsened slightly 15.4 26.6 28.6 35.1 28.3 17.6
Worsened significantly 12.3 10.9 12.5 1.8 8.7 2.9

NOTES: 34 responses. This question was only posed to those noting a lack of available applicants/no applicants.

Special Questions Comments

These comments have been edited for publication.

Chemical Manufacturing
  • Our workforce is stable.
Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
  • There has been a downtick in business versus the previous month. However, this may be in line with our normal end-of-year business cycle from our customers. It is difficult to gauge right now due to the looming concerns of possible recession and OPEC adjusting their output to drive prices up.
Primary Metal Manufacturing
  • Labor is not our problem. Sliding sales [activity] is.
  • We continue to experience extreme difficulty finding any level of employment applicant despite significant base pay and existing pay rates. This continues to be the primary negative impact on all U.S. manufacturers, particularly the heavy manufacturing industry.
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
  • We are operating by prayer these days!
Machinery Manufacturing
  • We are fighting for every order, it seems, even though we are the preferred vendor for most of our customers.
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing
  • We get many applicants for the open positions; however, not many of those are qualified.
  • We have not laid anyone off for the last three years. However, we are making the decision to lay off several this fall, as revenue projections continue to look lower for the next 12 months. These are people who are historic underperformers.
Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
  • People are finding jobs that they can work from home.

Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey

Data were collected October 18–26, and 328 Texas business executives responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Yes 56.1 64.5 64.2 63.4 63.1 60.4 56.2
No 43.9 35.5 35.8 36.6 36.9 39.6 43.8

NOTE: 324 responses.

2. What is your assessment of your firm’s current employment situation in light of your six-month outlook?

Oct. '22
We are understaffed and looking to hire for new positions  31.1
We are understaffed and looking to hire for replacement only 19.3
We are understaffed but opting not to hire at this time 11.8
We are at our ideal staffing level 23.0
We are overstaffed but opting not to lay off workers at this time  3.7
We are overstaffed and laying off workers  3.4
Other 7.8

NOTES: 322 responses.

3. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 62.3 72.0 72.5 74.0 72.7 70.9 70.9
Workers looking for more pay than is offered 34.2 39.3 49.7 51.4 55.2 50.3 53.3
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills) 36.3 32.7 40.9 38.7 32.7 36.4 42.3
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)  24.0 26.2 31.0 27.2 29.1 21.8 28.6
Lack of experience 36.3 29.8 33.3 32.9 36.4 34.5 35.7
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check 15.1 19.6 18.7 13.3 14.5 20.0 16.5
Lack of child care, including school interruptions 13.0 12.5 10.5 19.1 7.3 10.3 8.8
Fear of COVID-19 infection 11.0 7.7 12.9 16.2 3.6 5.5 1.1
COVID-19 exposure or infection 

15.0 0.6 2.4 1.6
Other 11.0 8.9 7.6 5.8 8.5 4.8 8.2
None 12.3 0.0 5.8 2.3 4.8 7.9 3.8

NOTES: 182 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

3a. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Improved significantly 0.0 0.8 1.6 0.0 1.7 0.0
Improved slightly 27.5 17.9 12.5 22.7 23.9 21.7
No change 45.8 47.2 39.1 50.4 45.3 55.0
Worsened slightly 17.5 26.8 39.1 21.0 23.9 17.1
Worsened significantly 9.2 7.3 7.8 5.9 5.1 6.2

NOTES: 129 responses. This question was only posed to those noting a lack of available applicants/no applicants.

Special Questions Comments

These comments have been edited for publication.

Support Activities for Transportation
  • We have been recruiting for drivers for two solid months. The candidates applying have all been outside the parameters we will consider.
Publishing Industries (Except Internet)
  • [We have hired] only a couple of temporary workers with special talents for specific projects.
  • The Fed's [Federal Reserve’s] actions have introduced an increased amount of uncertainty and reduced liquidity to such a degree that we are paring back our hiring plans dramatically. Our current staffing level allows us to sustain but not scale. Since scale is our objective, we need to find alternative funding mechanisms in this capital-constrained environment, however. As a result, we are increasing prices and focusing on upmarket customers rather than lowering prices to keep pace with fluctuating demand. However, this leaves small business and middle-market customers without adequate support in our industry. We view continuing rate hikes as having a disproportionately negative impact on smaller business and having an inverse impact on our pricing.
  • We're planning to do a layoff due to some recent corporate acquisitions. This is internal "house cleaning" of duplicate roles and underperforming employees, not due to macroeconomic conditions.
Data Processing, Hosting and Related Services
  • The applicant pool for highly skilled professionals is underwhelming in experience, particularly for the salaries desired. Recruiting firms are having the same issues. For medium-skill jobs, we've turned to near-shoring some work.
Credit Intermediation and Related Activities
  • Competition for qualified employees is the greatest risk to maintaining adequate staffing.
  • It’s still very difficult to find and hire competent senior-level staff.
Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities
  • Finding good people is always hard. Applicants now have sticky geographic preferences or have unrealistic (in our opinion) salary expectations—particularly those with one to seven years' experience.
  • We continue to see a consistent shortage of workers with appropriate technical skills and appropriate soft skills for fast-paced roles. We continue to seek new avenues of recruitment, role awareness and connection with sources of new labor.
Real Estate
  • A decreasing number of younger workers seem to understand or appreciate that hard work and long-term dedication are proven pathways to success. One of our very well-paid accountants just quit because she wanted fewer hassles and thought it was unfair that we wanted her to work at the office. Meanwhile, skills are diminishing. The mentality seems to be if I just show up at a school, a great job will follow, as opposed to, I want a great job, so I will figure out how to learn what I need to get it.
  • Inflation, an open border, international uncertainty and the leadership of our republic are major concerns.
Rental and Leasing Services
  • We are typically looking for field sales types or construction machinery technicians, which are fields that are hard to fill anytime. They are more difficult to fill with these "everyone gets a trophy" generations.
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
  • With an increase in job hopping and less experienced new hires, we're having to spend more nonbillable resources to train staff. Productivity is taking a hit as absences increase due to child care and/or elder care demands. We are not seeing a way out of this predicament anytime soon, and it is affecting the bottom line and stability.
  • It is still an employee market for technical resources. I do not see this changing for the next three to six months.
  • Previous government lockdowns distorted employee perceptions of what it means to work. New employees need to be taught a work ethic and effective interpersonal interaction.
  • Nothing out of the ordinary for us. It is always hard to find good candidates, but we are having pretty good luck. It just takes some time. We had two open positions but just filled one and are looking for one other.
  • We are on a hiring freeze to raise profitability.
Administrative and Support Services
  • We have enough work for current workers. Although we are seeing a slight increase from the second quarter, we choose not to add additional staff to keep supporting the earning potential of our current team.
  • Traditional staffing channels are not meeting expectations. We need to adjust and find new, improved channels of identifying suitable candidates.
  • We are reducing expenses. The margins are very narrow due to higher input prices and labor. We still maintain a good backlog of orders; however, new orders have slowed considerably.
Ambulatory Health Care Services
  • Low-skill workers are easier to hire than high-skill workers. Our pressure for employees will make us look for all hiring options.
  • Staffing is our biggest issue. We have a 66 percent vacancy rate in one of our most-needed job categories.
  • In Texas general dentistry, hygienist supply is an issue. In Texas, somewhere between 10 and 20 percent of dental hygiene licenses weren't renewed in 2022. This creates a shortage, as well as a sharp spike in wage levels for those remaining in the labor pool. The salary/hourly rate for this group in Dallas is up 25 percent versus pre-COVID.
  • This is the No. 1 issue at this hotel. We are located downtown, and potential applicants are choosing other opportunities since working downtown has parking challenges/cost, security concerns, and people want to work closer to their homes.
Food Services and Drinking Places
  • Wages are too high to add staff, not to mention the recession looming.
  • We continue to downsize to get to the right costs for payroll. We still have some areas to cut. Some areas are understaffed on purpose. We are continuing to work on this very directly and purposefully.
Repair and Maintenance
  • High labor cost is forcing us to reduce head count.
Personal and Laundry Services
  • Things have worsened because competitors are increasing wages to attract new employees, and it is forcing us to have to increase wages to retain employees because we are understaffed.
  • No one has applied. [Training] schools' enrollment is at an all-time low.
Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional and Similar Organizations
  • We are doing fine, but other businesses in the area who are hiring have been seeing a modest improvement in availability of applicants for low-skill positions over the last few months.

Texas Retail Outlook Survey

Data were collected October 18–26, and 68 Texas retailers responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Yes 56.5 71.1 69.6 68.2 68.9 64.3 57.6
No 43.5 28.9 30.4 31.8 31.1 35.7 42.4

NOTE: 66 responses.

2. What is your assessment of your firm’s current employment situation in light of your six-month outlook?

Oct. '22
We are understaffed and looking to hire for new positions  31.8
We are understaffed and looking to hire for replacement only 19.7
We are understaffed but opting not to hire at this time 9.1
We are at our ideal staffing level 22.7
We are overstaffed but opting not to lay off workers at this time  7.6
We are overstaffed and laying off workers  3.0
Other 6.1

NOTES: 66 responses.

3. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '21
Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 80.0 84.4 75.0 80.0 77.4 86.1 78.9
Workers looking for more pay than is offered 24.0 43.8 43.8 40.0 45.2 38.9 42.1
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills) 56.0 40.6 53.1 50.0 41.9 50.0 36.8
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)  24.0 31.3 34.4 40.0 25.8 25.0 21.1
Lack of experience 32.0 31.3 28.1 36.7 29.0 27.8 23.7
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check 32.0 40.6 34.4 30.0 16.1 27.8 28.9
Lack of child care, including school interruptions 12.0 12.5 6.3 13.3 3.2 0.0 5.3
Fear of COVID-19 infection 4.0 9.4 9.4 16.7 3.2 2.8 0.0
COVID-19 exposure or infection 

20.0 0.0 2.8 0.0
Other 4.0 9.4 3.1 0.0 3.2 2.8 2.6
None 0.0 0.0 6.3 0.0 6.5 0.0 2.6

NOTES: 38 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

3a. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Oct. '21
Jan. '22
Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Improved significantly 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Improved slightly 37.0 4.2 16.7 16.7 19.4 23.3
No change 40.7 50.0 37.5 75.0 48.4 53.3
Worsened slightly 18.5 37.5 37.5 8.3 25.8 16.7
Worsened significantly 3.7 8.3 0.0 0.0 6.5 6.7

NOTES: 30 responses. This question was only posed to those noting a lack of available applicants/no applicants.

Special Questions Comments

These comments have been edited for publication.

Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods
  • We are currently looking for an individual with experience in accounting but not a CPA. Candidates are limited and hard to find for a family business.
Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers
  • [There are] very few to no applicants for open positions. [There is a] high percentage of no-shows for interview appointments. [There is] very little loyalty from existing workers despite raising benefits and wages.
  • We need technicians. It is an industry problem.
Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers
  • We had hired several younger people trying to get them some experience in the industry as the tenure and average age of our workforce is high. Unfortunately, with the direction sales and margins are headed, we are forced to reevaluate our hiring plans. We knew a slowdown was coming but thought it would take months, and it hit us so abruptly.
  • Keep raising rates this fast and we're really going to have a mess. You [the Federal Reserve] need to stop for at least 12 to 18 months.
Health and Personal Care Stores
  • Inflation is putting pressure on business to compensate employees more and more while the reimbursements in health care continue to decline.
Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores
  • Uncertainty in the overall economy keeps us hesitant to hire currently.
Nonstore Retailers
  • We have set up interviews, but applicants do not show. We have hired workers, and they don't show up the first day. We have hired workers, and they quit for the most minor reasons. I have spent thousands of dollars on advertisements to fill job openings.
  • We are getting more potential candidates over the last two weeks than we have since COVID. There are people out there who want to work.

Questions regarding the Texas Business Outlook Surveys can be addressed to Emily Kerr at

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