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Special Questions

Texas Business Outlook Surveys
July 31, 2023

Special Questions

For this month’s survey, Texas business executives were asked supplemental questions on the labor market. Results below include responses from participants of all three surveys: Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey and Texas Retail Outlook Survey.

Texas Business Outlook Surveys

Data were collected July 18–26, and 364 Texas business executives responded to the surveys.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Aug. '19
Feb. '20
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Yes 69.8 65.5 68.7 68.4 61.6 49.9 52.2
No 30.2 34.5 31.3 31.6 38.4 50.1 47.8

NOTE: 358 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Lack of available applicants/no applicants                                     75.9 73.3 74.1 69.9 55.1
Workers looking for more pay than is offered                               40.8 53.4 52.3 51.0 54.6
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills)                                   35.1 43.0 41.4 50.5 48.1
Lack of experience                                                                              32.2 32.7 36.8 42.7 44.3
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)                                  25.7 30.7 26.4 34.0 27.6
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check                    22.9 17.5 21.8 22.3 18.4
Lack of child care 11.4 15.9 9.1 6.8 1.1
Other 7.8 4.8 3.6 4.9 3.8
None 0.0 2.4 7.3 3.9 5.4

NOTES: 185 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Improved significantly 0.5 1.6 1.2 0.7 4.2
Improved slightly 24.9 12.5 23.3 28.7 23.0
No change 47.6 40.8 44.2 55.2 61.9
Worsened slightly 16.8 35.9 25.2 11.2 9.5
Worsened significantly 10.3 9.2 6.1 4.2 1.4

NOTE: 357 responses.

3. Are you currently trying to fill low-skill positions (roles typically requiring a high school diploma or less and minimal work experience)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 50.9 50.3 51.7 44.2 37.9
No 49.1 49.7 48.3 55.8 62.1

NOTE: 359 responses.

3a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 2.1 1.7 2.2 3.1 6.7
Somewhat difficult 29.6 42.5 36.1 49.1 59.3
Very difficult 68.3 55.9 61.7 47.8 34.1

NOTES: 135 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill low-skill positions.

4. Are you currently trying to fill mid-skill positions (roles typically requiring some college or technical training)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 55.4 61.3 57.5 52.0 46.4
No 44.6 38.7 42.5 48.0 53.6

NOTE: 358 responses.

4a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 6.7 4.2 2.0 3.3 5.4
Somewhat difficult 44.7 49.1 45.8 52.7 60.8
Very difficult 48.6 46.7 52.2 44.0 33.7

NOTES: 166 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill mid-skill positions.

5. Are you currently trying to fill high-skill positions (roles typically requiring a college degree or higher)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 45.2 47.4 46.8 43.5 38.5
No 54.8 52.6 53.2 56.5 61.5

NOTE: 358 responses.

5a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 20.1 15.9 4.8 7.1 7.2
Somewhat difficult 45.6 38.8 45.8 43.6 45.7
Very difficult 34.3 45.3 49.4 49.4 47.1

NOTES: 138 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill high-skill positions.

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to provide comments, which can be found in the Comments tab above.

Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey

Data were collected July 18–26, and 84 Texas manufacturers responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Aug. '19
Feb. '20
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Yes 64.0 57.1 80.2 83.0 65.5 52.0 55.4
No 36.0 42.9 19.8 17.0 34.5 48.0 44.6

NOTE: 83 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills)                                   40.3 52.6 56.4 69.2 60.9
Lack of available applicants/no applicants                                     84.4 71.8 83.6 69.2 56.5
Lack of experience                                                                              37.7 32.1 43.6 50.0 56.5
Workers looking for more pay than is offered                               44.2 57.7 58.2 44.2 45.7
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)                                  24.7 38.5 40.0 46.2 30.4
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check                    29.9 26.9 27.3 40.4 23.9
Lack of child care 9.1 9.0 5.5 3.8 0.0
Other 5.2 2.6 0.0 1.9 0.0
None 0.0 2.6 5.5 1.9 4.3

NOTES: 46 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Improved significantly 1.5 1.8 0.0 0.0 4.9
Improved slightly 20.0 12.5 21.7 22.9 22.2
No change 50.8 44.6 41.3 60.0 65.4
Worsened slightly 15.4 28.6 28.3 11.4 7.4
Worsened significantly 12.3 12.5 8.7 5.7 0.0

NOTE: 81 responses.

3. Are you currently trying to fill low-skill positions (roles typically requiring a high school diploma or less and minimal work experience)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 64.3 67.0 63.4 53.0 43.4
No 35.7 33.0 36.6 47.0 56.6

NOTE: 83 responses.

3a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 1.6 0.0 0.0 6.8 5.7
Somewhat difficult 29.5 28.8 25.9 36.4 48.6
Very difficult 68.9 71.2 74.1 56.8 45.7

NOTES: 35 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill low-skill positions.

4. Are you currently trying to fill mid-skill positions (roles typically requiring some college or technical training)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 69.4 65.6 68.8 57.8 50.6
No 30.6 34.4 31.2 42.2 49.4

NOTE: 83 responses.

4a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 8.8 3.4 3.2 4.2 0.0
Somewhat difficult 44.1 36.2 42.9 45.8 71.4
Very difficult 47.1 60.3 54.0 50.0 28.6

NOTES: 42 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill mid-skill positions.

5. Are you currently trying to fill high-skill positions (roles typically requiring a college degree or higher)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 50.0 51.1 50.5 46.4 37.3
No 50.0 48.9 49.5 53.6 62.7

NOTE: 83 responses.

5a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 22.4 19.6 10.6 10.3 9.7
Somewhat difficult 44.9 32.6 42.6 33.3 45.2
Very difficult 32.7 47.8 46.8 56.4 45.2

NOTES: 31 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill high-skill positions.

Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey

Data were collected July 18–26, and 280 Texas business executives responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Aug. '19
Feb. '20
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Yes 72.3 68.8 64.5 63.4 60.4 49.2 51.3
No 27.7 31.2 35.5 36.6 39.6 50.8 48.7

NOTE: 275 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Workers looking for more pay than is offered                               39.3 51.4 50.3 53.2 57.6
Lack of available applicants/no applicants                                     72.0 74.0 70.9 70.1 54.7
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills)                                   32.7 38.7 36.4 44.2 43.9
Lack of experience                                                                              29.8 32.9 34.5 40.3 40.3
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)                                  26.2 27.2 21.8 29.9 26.6
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check                    19.6 13.3 20.0 16.2 16.5
Lack of child care                     12.5 19.1 10.3 7.8 1.4
Other 8.9 5.8 4.8 5.8 5.0
None 0.0 2.3 7.9 4.5 5.8

NOTES: 139 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Improved significantly 0.0 1.6 1.7 0.9 4.0
Improved slightly 27.5 12.5 23.9 30.6 23.2
No change 45.8 39.1 45.3 53.7 60.9
Worsened slightly 17.5 39.1 23.9 11.1 10.1
Worsened significantly 9.2 7.8 5.1 3.7 1.8

NOTE: 276 responses.

3. Are you currently trying to fill low-skill positions (roles typically requiring a high school diploma or less and minimal work experience)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 46.3 44.8 47.5 41.5 36.2
No 53.7 55.2 52.5 58.5 63.8

NOTE: 276 responses.

3a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 2.3 2.5 3.2 1.7 7.0
Somewhat difficult 29.7 49.2 40.8 53.9 63.0
Very difficult 68.0 48.3 56.0 44.3 30.0

NOTES: 100 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill low-skill positions.

4. Are you currently trying to fill mid-skill positions (roles typically requiring some college or technical training)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 50.5 59.8 53.4 50.2 45.1
No 49.5 40.2 46.6 49.8 54.9

NOTE: 275 responses.

4a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 5.7 4.5 1.4 2.9 7.3
Somewhat difficult 45.0 53.8 47.1 55.1 57.3
Very difficult 49.3 41.7 51.4 41.9 35.5

NOTES: 124 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill mid-skill positions.

5. Are you currently trying to fill high-skill positions (roles typically requiring a college degree or higher)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 43.5 46.1 45.4 42.5 38.9
No 56.5 53.9 54.6 57.5 61.1

NOTE: 275 responses.

5a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 19.2 14.5 2.5 6.0 6.5
Somewhat difficult 45.8 41.1 47.1 47.0 45.8
Very difficult 35.0 44.4 50.4 47.0 47.7

NOTES: 107 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill high-skill positions.

Texas Retail Outlook Survey

Data were collected July 18–26, and 57 Texas retailers responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire or recall workers?

Aug. '19
Feb. '20
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Yes 75.5 61.2 71.1 68.2 64.3 48.6 57.1
No 24.5 38.8 28.9 31.8 35.7 51.4 42.9

NOTE: 56 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring or recalling workers? Please select all that apply.
Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Lack of available applicants/no applicants                                     84.4 80.0 86.1 79.4 62.5
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills)                                   40.6 50.0 50.0 55.9 46.9
Workers looking for more pay than is offered                               43.8 40.0 38.9 50.0 43.8
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)                                  31.3 40.0 25.0 32.4 40.6
Lack of experience                                                                              31.3 36.7 27.8 41.2 31.3
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check                    40.6 30.0 27.8 26.5 28.1
Lack of child care 12.5 13.3 0.0 5.9 0.0
Other 9.4 0.0 2.8 2.9 9.4
None 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3

NOTES: 32 responses. This question was only posed to those currently trying to hire or recall workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Jul. '21
Jan. '22
Jul. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Improved significantly 0.0 8.3 0.0 0.0 1.8
Improved slightly 37.0 16.7 19.4 25.9 19.6
No change 40.7 37.5 48.4 51.9 62.5
Worsened slightly 18.5 37.5 25.8 18.5 16.1
Worsened significantly 3.7 0.0 6.5 3.7 0.0

NOTE: 56 responses.

3. Are you currently trying to fill low-skill positions (roles typically requiring a high school diploma or less and minimal work experience)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 66.0 62.8 62.8 56.1 55.4
No 34.0 37.2 37.2 43.9 44.6

NOTE: 56 responses.

3a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 2.9 0.0 0.0 6.3 3.2
Somewhat difficult 20.6 44.4 37.0 62.5 64.5
Very difficult 76.5 55.6 63.0 31.3 32.3

NOTES: 31 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill low-skill positions.

4. Are you currently trying to fill mid-skill positions (roles typically requiring some college or technical training)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 59.6 70.0 60.5 57.9 44.6
No 40.4 30.0 39.5 42.1 55.4

NOTE: 56 responses.

4a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Somewhat difficult 45.2 42.9 30.8 63.6 52.0
Very difficult 54.8 57.1 69.2 36.4 48.0

NOTES: 25 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill mid-skill positions.

5. Are you currently trying to fill high-skill positions (roles typically requiring a college degree or higher)?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Yes 20.8 37.2 27.9 33.3 25.0
No 79.2 62.8 72.1 66.7 75.0

NOTE: 56 responses.

5a. How difficult is it to find workers to fill these positions?
May '21
Aug. '21
Nov. '21
Jul. '22
Jul. '23
Not difficult 9.1 12.5 0.0 10.5 21.4
Somewhat difficult 45.5 43.8 50.0 42.1 21.4
Very difficult 45.5 43.8 50.0 47.4 57.1

NOTES: 14 responses. This question was posed only to those trying to fill high-skill positions.

Special Questions Comments

These comments have been edited for publication.

Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey

Computer and electronic product manufacturing
  • There seems to be generally more workers available. When we do need to hire, we are primarily in the market for low-skill workers. We just don’t have the current need but believe we might in the next 30–60 days.
  • It is time for major immigration and education reform. Politicians need to stop bickering and address real American issues.
Fabricated metal product manufacturing
  • Hourly employees with some experience who are legal in the U.S. and have decent work experience are difficult to find.
Food manufacturing
  • The labor pool seems to have more slack in it than a year ago.
Machinery manufacturing
  • It’s impossible to find skilled labor thanks to the dumbing down of public education.
  • We’re attempting to hold on to our current staffing levels by reducing workweeks from 48 hours to 44 or 40, depending on the position.
Textile product mills
  • In the past nine months, we have had to reduce our workforce by over 350 people.

Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey

Administrative and support services
  • We are trying to maintain and enhance our culture. That just takes time to find the right people.
  • It's been easier to find high-skill positions than mid-skill roles, surprisingly. Companies making high-skill hires know what they need and want from the candidate. Candidates remain open to hearing (at least selectively) about new opportunities. Mid-skill positions are more challenging; candidates continue to have many opportunities, and companies are taking longer to make decisions.
  • We have been trying to hire a sous chef for more than six months, and it remains a challenge.
  • It is a very competitive market for experienced hires with proper training and technical skills.
  • There is little to no desire [among workers] to work in outdoor conditions.
  • We are seeing fewer applicants recently than we had earlier in the year.
Professional, scientific and technical services
  • We are currently trying to hire a business development manager, and most candidates do not have the required experience in years and/or the industry. Those who do have adequate experience have elevated compensation expectations that are not sustainable. The number of applicants has increased, which we hope is an indicator that compensation expectations may adjust downward to meet actual market conditions.
  • We are just starting our hiring process—seeing strong economic demand for our three software product lines.
  • We hired a replacement services project manager last month for less [money] than the person who quit.
  • We are looking for a very specific skill set, which our area just does not have a "long bench" for. We are thinking we may need to recruit from outside the state or think through other avenues for recruiting.
  • Applicants want higher pay and essentially require that they work from home.
Rental and leasing services
  • Mechanics and technicians can make $100,000 a year today, and we can't find them anywhere. Our technician makes over $40 per hour.
Real estate
  • There is no need to add staff in the commercial real estate industry under current market conditions where capital, both equity and debt, are constrained.
  • We are laying off right now—not hiring.
Credit intermediation and related activities
  • Wage expectations are quite high. It is still a somewhat employee-driven market at current unemployment levels.
Truck transportation
  • We currently are not hiring as we have a full crew.
  • It is still very hard to find more-senior tech professionals.
Personal and laundry services
  • We are still having issues attracting applicants. When managers can schedule interviews, only about 20 percent of applicants show up for the scheduled interview.

Texas Retail Outlook Survey

Motor vehicle and parts dealers
  • Auto technicians are in very short supply and have continued to drive wages up 15–20 percent over the past year. Low-skill techs are available, but higher skill and experience are required to repair vehicles. Unfortunately, the auto dealerships are chasing each other's skilled technicians with high wage offers. This doesn't improve tech availability.
Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
  • We are working on some new business with a restaurant franchisee in Malaysia. If that business materializes, we will be hiring locally in Dallas to support that account.

Questions regarding the Texas Business Outlook Surveys can be addressed to Jesus Cañas at

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