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Special Questions

Texas Business Outlook Surveys
April 29, 2024

Special Questions

For this month’s survey, Texas business executives were asked supplemental questions on artificial intelligence (AI). Results below include responses from participants of all three surveys: Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey and Texas Retail Outlook Survey.

Texas Business Outlook Surveys

Data were collected April 16–24, and 363 Texas business executives responded to the surveys.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Traditional AI relies on explicit programming to execute specific tasks. Examples include search algorithms and recommendations or predictions based on past trends. These AI programs have been trained to follow given rules and perform tasks, but they don’t create anything new. Generative AI is distinct from traditional AI in that it autonomously generates new content. Examples include written content creation such as ChatGPT, question-answering such as sales or customer service chatbots, and enhanced code or software development.

1. Is your firm currently using AI?
  April '24
Yes, traditional AI 12.6
Yes, generative AI 5.6
Yes, both traditional and generative AI 14.0
Yes, but don’t know which type 6.1
No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months 16.5
No, and we have no plans to do so in the near future 37.2
Don’t know 8.1

NOTES: 358 responses.

2. How is your firm using or planning to use AI? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Marketing/advertising 50.3
Business analysis/predictive analytics 45.1
Process automation 43.1
Customer service 39.0
Cybersecurity/fraud detection 22.1
Accounting 19.5
Supply-chain optimization 12.8
Quality control 11.3
Other 14.9

NOTES: 195 responses. This question was only posed to respondents who said in question 1 they currently use AI or are planning to use it in the next 12 months. Respondents selecting "Other" were asked to explain, and the most common uses cited were recruitment and research and development.

3. On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm, or how do you expect it to?
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Increase(d) our need for workers 2.2 5.2 3.1
Decrease(d) our need for workers 9.0 15.5 10.9
Change(d) the type of workers we need but not the number 14.2 12.1 13.5
Did not/will not impact our need for workers 66.4 48.3 60.9
Don’t know 8.2 19.0 11.5
Number of responses 134 58 192

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how do you expect the use of AI to affect employment at your firm?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

3a. Please indicate the change (or expected change) in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI.
Firms using AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 6.5 48.4 38.7 6.5
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 25.8 32.3 32.3 9.7
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  42.4 3.0 45.5 9.1
Firms planning to use AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 11.8 35.3 41.2 11.8
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 23.5 41.2 23.5 11.8
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  50.0 16.7 11.1 22.2
Combined April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 8.3 43.8 39.6 8.3
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 25.0 35.4 29.2 10.4
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  45.1 7.8 33.3 13.7

NOTES: 51 responses. This question was only posed to respondents selecting one of the first three answer choices in question 3. Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked to indicate the change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked to indicate the expected change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

4. What benefits has your firm experienced or does your firm expect to experience from using AI? Please select all that apply. 
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Increase(d) productivity 61.4 61.7 61.5
Access to better and/or more timely information 50.0 53.3 51.0
Reduction in costs 26.5 46.7 32.8
Improvement in customer relationships 23.5 50.0 31.8
Increase(d) revenue/sales 11.4 26.7 16.1
Other 13.6 0.0 9.4
Number of responses 132 60 192

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "What benefits has your firm experienced from using AI?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" were asked, "What benefits does your firm expect to experience from using AI?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined. Respondents selecting "Other" were asked to explain, and roughly one-third of them noted that it was too soon to tell or that they had not seen any benefit so far.

5. What concerns do you have regarding the use of AI, if any? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Misinformation 60.1
Privacy 44.9
Social surveillance and/or manipulation 36.8
Bias and/or discrimination 24.4
Difficulty hiring workers with AI skills 20.5
Workforce reduction/layoffs 9.0
Other 7.6
No concerns 18.3

NOTES: 356 responses.

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to also provide comments, which can be found in the Comments tab above.

Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey

Data were collected April 16–24 and 86 Texas manufacturers responded to the survey.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Traditional AI relies on explicit programming to execute specific tasks. Examples include search algorithms and recommendations or predictions based on past trends. These AI programs have been trained to follow given rules and perform tasks, but they don’t create anything new. Generative AI is distinct from traditional AI in that it autonomously generates new content. Examples include written content creation such as ChatGPT, question-answering such as sales or customer service chatbots, and enhanced code or software development.

1. Is your firm currently using AI?
  April '24
Yes, traditional AI 8.2
Yes, generative AI 3.5
Yes, both traditional and generative AI 10.6
Yes, but don’t know which type 5.9
No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months 15.3
No, and we have no plans to do so in the near future 47.1
Don’t know 9.4

NOTES: 85 responses.

2. How is your firm using or planning to use AI? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Process automation 67.6
Business analysis/predictive analytics 62.2
Marketing/advertising 54.1
Customer service 40.5
Cybersecurity/fraud detection 35.1
Accounting 32.4
Supply-chain optimization 29.7
Quality control 13.5
Other 10.8

NOTES: 37 responses. This question was only posed to respondents who said in question 1 they currently use AI or are planning to use it in the next 12 months.

3. On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm, or how do you expect it to?
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Increase(d) our need for workers 4.2 0.0 2.7
Decrease(d) our need for workers 12.5 23.1 16.2
Change(d) the type of workers we need but not the number 12.5 15.4 13.5
Did not/will not impact our need for workers 58.3 38.5 51.4
Don’t know 12.5 23.1 16.2
Number of responses 24 13 37

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how do you expect the use of AI to affect employment at your firm?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

3a. Please indicate the change (or expected change) in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI.
Firms using AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 0.0 28.6 71.4 0.0
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 28.6 28.6 42.9 0.0
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  28.6 0.0 71.4 0.0
Firms planning to use AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 25.0 25.0 50.0 0.0
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 25.0 50.0 25.0 0.0
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  40.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
Combined April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 9.1 27.3 63.6 0.0
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 27.3 36.4 36.4 0.0
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  33.3 8.3 50.0 8.3

NOTES: 12 responses. This question was only posed to respondents selecting one of the first three answer choices in question 3. Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked to indicate the change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked to indicate the expected change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

4. What benefits has your firm experienced or does your firm expect to experience from using AI? Please select all that apply. 
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Access to better and/or more timely information 62.5 46.2 56.8
Increase(d) productivity 54.2 76.9 62.2
Reduction in costs 33.3 69.2 45.9
Improvement in customer relationships 12.5 61.5 29.7
Increase(d) revenue/sales 4.2 38.5 16.2
Other 12.5 0.0 8.1
Number of responses 24 13 37

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "What benefits has your firm experienced from using AI?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" were asked, "What benefits does your firm expect to experience from using AI?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

5. What concerns do you have regarding the use of AI, if any? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Misinformation 52.3
Privacy 43.0
Social surveillance and/or manipulation 34.9
Bias and/or discrimination 17.4
Difficulty hiring workers with AI skills 16.3
Workforce reduction/layoffs 8.1
Other 9.3
No concerns 20.9

NOTES: 86 responses.

Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey

Data were collected April 16–24 and 277 Texas business executives responded to the survey.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Traditional AI relies on explicit programming to execute specific tasks. Examples include search algorithms and recommendations or predictions based on past trends. These AI programs have been trained to follow given rules and perform tasks, but they don’t create anything new. Generative AI is distinct from traditional AI in that it autonomously generates new content. Examples include written content creation such as ChatGPT, question-answering such as sales or customer service chatbots, and enhanced code or software development.

1. Is your firm currently using AI?
  April '24
Yes, traditional AI 13.9
Yes, generative AI 6.2
Yes, both traditional and generative AI 15.0
Yes, but don’t know which type 6.2
No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months 16.8
No, and we have no plans to do so in the near future 34.1
Don’t know 7.7

NOTES: 273 responses.

2. How is your firm using or planning to use AI? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Marketing/advertising 49.4
Business analysis/predictive analytics 41.1
Customer service 38.6
Process automation 37.3
Cybersecurity/fraud detection 19.0
Accounting 16.5
Quality control 10.8
Supply-chain optimization 8.9
Other 15.8

NOTES: 158 responses. This question was only posed to respondents who said in question 1 they currently use AI or are planning to use it in the next 12 months.

3. On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm, or how do you expect it to?
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Increase(d) our need for workers 1.8 6.7 3.2
Decrease(d) our need for workers 8.2 13.3 9.7
Change(d) the type of workers we need but not the number 14.5 11.1 13.5
Did not/will not impact our need for workers 68.2 51.1 63.2
Don’t know 7.3 17.8 10.3
Number of responses 110 45 155

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how do you expect the use of AI to affect employment at your firm?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

3a. Please indicate the change (or expected change) in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI.
Firms using AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 8.3 54.2 29.2 8.3
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 25.0 33.3 29.2 12.5
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  46.2 3.8 38.5 11.5
Firms planning to use AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 7.7 38.5 38.5 15.4
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 23.1 38.5 23.1 15.4
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  53.8 15.4 7.7 23.1
Combined April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 8.1 48.6 32.4 10.8
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 24.3 35.1 27.0 13.5
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  48.7 7.7 28.2 15.4

NOTES: 39 responses. This question was only posed to respondents selecting one of the first three answer choices in question 3. Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked to indicate the change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked to indicate the expected change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

4. What benefits has your firm experienced or does your firm expect to experience from using AI? Please select all that apply. 
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Increase(d) productivity 63.0 57.4 61.3
Access to better and/or more timely information 47.2 55.3 49.7
Improvement in customer relationships 25.9 46.8 32.3
Reduction in costs 25.0 40.4 29.7
Increase(d) revenue/sales 13.0 23.4 16.1
Other 13.9 0.0 9.7
Number of responses 108 47 155

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "What benefits has your firm experienced from using AI?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" were asked, "What benefits does your firm expect to experience from using AI?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

5. What concerns do you have regarding the use of AI, if any? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Misinformation 62.6
Privacy 45.6
Social surveillance and/or manipulation 37.4
Bias and/or discrimination 26.7
Difficulty hiring workers with AI skills 21.9
Workforce reduction/layoffs 9.3
Other 7.0
No concerns 17.4

NOTES: 270 responses.

Texas Retail Outlook Survey

Data were collected April 16–24 and 53 Texas retailers responded to the survey.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Traditional AI relies on explicit programming to execute specific tasks. Examples include search algorithms and recommendations or predictions based on past trends. These AI programs have been trained to follow given rules and perform tasks, but they don’t create anything new. Generative AI is distinct from traditional AI in that it autonomously generates new content. Examples include written content creation such as ChatGPT, question-answering such as sales or customer service chatbots, and enhanced code or software development.

1. Is your firm currently using AI?
  April '24
Yes, traditional AI 13.7
Yes, generative AI 7.8
Yes, both traditional and generative AI 9.8
Yes, but don’t know which type 2.0
No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months 13.7
No, and we have no plans to do so in the near future 47.1
Don’t know 5.9

NOTES: 51 responses.

2. How is your firm using or planning to use AI? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Marketing/advertising 56.5
Customer service 52.2
Business analysis/predictive analytics 47.8
Supply-chain optimization 26.1
Process automation 17.4
Accounting 17.4
Cybersecurity/fraud detection 17.4
Quality control 4.3
Other 4.3

NOTES: 23 responses. This question was only posed to respondents who said in question 1 they currently use AI or are planning to use it in the next 12 months.

3. On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm, or how do you expect it to?
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Increase(d) our need for workers 0.0 33.3 8.7
Decrease(d) our need for workers 0.0 0.0 0.0
Change(d) the type of workers we need but not the number 11.8 0.0 8.7
Did not/will not impact our need for workers 76.5 33.3 65.2
Don’t know 11.8 33.3 17.4
Number of responses 17 6 23

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how has the use of AI affected employment at your firm?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked, "On net, how do you expect the use of AI to affect employment at your firm?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

3a. Please indicate the change (or expected change) in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI.
Firms using AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0
Firms planning to use AI April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 0.0 50.0 50.0 0.0
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Combined April '24
No change
Don’t know
Low-skill positions (typically require high school diploma or less and minimal work experience) 0.0 75.0 25.0 0.0
Mid-skill positions (typically require some college or technical training) 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0
High-skill positions (typically require college degree or higher)  75.0 0.0 25.0 0.0

NOTES: 4 responses. This question was only posed to respondents selecting one of the first three answer choices in question 3. Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked to indicate the change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" in question 1 were asked to indicate the expected change in employment/workers by skill level due to the use of AI. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

4. What benefits has your firm experienced or does your firm expect to experience from using AI? Please select all that apply. 
  April '24
  Firms using AI Firms planning to use AI Combined
Increase(d) productivity 50.0 50.0 50.0
Access to better and/or more timely information 50.0 50.0 50.0
Improvement in customer relationships 37.5 50.0 40.9
Reduction in costs 31.3 16.7 27.3
Increase(d) revenue/sales 25.0 0.0 18.2
Other 12.5 0.0 9.1
Number of responses 16 6 22

NOTES: Respondents selecting any version of "Yes" in question 1 were asked, "What benefits has your firm experienced from using AI?" and response choices were in past tense. Respondents selecting, "No, but planning to do so in the next 12 months" were asked, "What benefits does your firm expect to experience from using AI?" and response choices were in future tense. Results are displayed separately as well as combined.

5. What concerns do you have regarding the use of AI, if any? Please select all that apply.
  April '24
Misinformation 58.0
Privacy 42.0
Social surveillance and/or manipulation 32.0
Bias and/or discrimination 18.0
Difficulty hiring workers with AI skills 16.0
Workforce reduction/layoffs 6.0
Other 4.0
No concerns 22.0

NOTES: 50 responses.

Special Questions Comments

These comments have been edited for publication.

Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey
Food manufacturing
  • We are using AI [artificial intelligence] to improve processes and reduce non-value-added work in our business. We believe there is strong potential for AI to automate or eliminate many clerical jobs in our business, which will save our team time and money. We are primarily focused on using traditional AI over generative AI, as we believe that this has the most direct and positive impact on our business. We are dabbling in generative AI for marketing and other sales-related work.
Textile product mills
  • We are a small business and would like to use AI to automate processes but don't have the labor, time or expertise right now to do it.
Printing and related support activities
  • We are not sure at all how or if AI will affect our manufacturing business. Time will tell.
Machinery manufacturing
  • We do believe AI has merit, but how do we implement? How do we establish guardrails to keep us out of the ditch? How do we build confidence in the concept? Those are big questions and tall challenges for smaller firms, which are not easily answered.
Computer and electronic product manufacturing
  • We use generative AI to write more creative help-wanted ads and other online content. We would not use generative AI in any kind of mission-critical application due to real concern about accuracy, traceability and data security.
  • AI is in its infancy. Many systems do not have additional AI capabilities yet that impact business. However, third-party tools used to analyze [information] are having a positive impact already. The future will be the adoption based on new understanding of proper tool sets.
Transportation equipment manufacturing
  • AI is more challenging to implement than anticipated, and the impact is currently lower than expected.
Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey
Publishing industries (except internet)
  • Reduced access to capital will accelerate adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation as companies look to cut costs to drive financial performance given slower growth environment. As companies shift to profitability as the primary metric of financial health versus revenue, AI could be seen as a timely cost and head count reduction tool. We anticipate the increased interest rate environment accelerating the adoption of AI to the detriment of non-cognitive-routine workers as well as cognitive-routine workers.
Credit intermediation and related activities
  • AI might be good for translation or first drafts.
  • AI is still a new product that is still not completely vetted for security and safe utilization.
Securities, commodity contracts and other financial investments and related activities
  • We think it is too early in the maturation of AI to be evaluating impacts on employment or productivity, but generally we believe it will increase productivity. The impact on employment will likely be on repetitive tasks.
Real estate
  • If your job involves sitting behind a screen all day, AI is coming for you. Those with manual skills and abilities will again become the most valuable workers. As decision-making becomes automated and optimized, people won't benefit as much from greater education.
Professional, scientific and technical services
  • We've actively pursued AI in our business to our benefit and our clients’ benefit. The positive impact on our workflows and our productivity has been marked. This has enabled us to take on other projects to move the business forward. In turn, we've been creating the same impact in our clients as well.
  • AI makes it challenging to discern candidates’ true skill levels and fitness for the positions we have.  Anyone can generate expert cover letters, profiles and resumes based on key words rather than true experience and skill sets.
  • High inflation may force us to explore the use of AI and other technologies so that we can save payroll expenses.
  • We prefer actual intelligence rather than the artificial kind. Also, we are required by law as professional engineers to "directly supervise" and take responsibility for the work done under our seal. In our opinion, very few if any people know what AI uses to make its calculations, decisions, etc. Therefore, how can we directly supervise those decisions?
  • We are currently training our engineers to be better at the tasks that AI can't replace. That way we will be in front of the curve if AI starts to replace engineers.
  • We are very concerned about the economy. We are not filling positions, and we are looking at consolidation of offices.
Ambulatory health care services
  • While there are substantial risks for misinformation, bias, discrimination and privacy concerns in the broader implementation and use of AI generally, the tasks we will be asking (at least initially) are not those that would be particularly prone to those problems.
Texas Retail Outlook Survey
Motor vehicle and parts dealers
  • It is too soon to reliably measure AI’s employment impacts and/or other benefits or costs.

Questions regarding the Texas Business Outlook Surveys can be addressed to Emily Kerr at

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