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Special Questions

Texas Business Outlook Surveys
July 29, 2024

Special Questions

For this month’s survey, Texas business executives were asked supplemental questions on labor market and financial conditions. Results below include responses from participants of all three surveys: Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey and Texas Retail Outlook Survey.

Texas Business Outlook Surveys

Data were collected July 16–24, and 333 Texas business executives responded to the surveys.

1. Are you currently trying to hire workers?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Yes 65.9 61.6 56.2 49.9 52.2 47.9 49.4
No 34.1 38.4 43.8 50.1 47.8 52.1 50.6

NOTE: 330 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 76.0 74.1 69.4 69.9 55.1 49.1 41.4
Applicants looking for more pay than is offered 51.9 52.3 54.9 51.0 54.6 43.4 38.9
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills) 40.8 41.4 44.7 50.5 48.1 45.7 34.6
Lack of experience 38.6 36.8 37.0 42.7 44.3 30.6 32.1
Applicants seeking more remote work options than offered 18.5 29.0
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills) 33.9 26.4 29.4 34.0 27.6 23.1 26.5
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check                    16.3 21.8 18.3 22.3 18.4 18.5 15.4
Other 7.3 3.6 7.2 4.9 3.8 5.2 5.6
None 5.2 7.3 3.8 3.9 5.4 12.1 9.9

NOTES: 162 responses. This question was only posed to firms currently trying to hire workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 0.6 1.2 0.0 0.7 4.2 3.4 3.1
Improved slightly 20.5 23.3 23.3 28.7 23.0 22.6 22.2
No change 48.9 44.2 54.0 55.2 61.9 65.5 65.7
Worsened slightly 25.6 25.2 17.2 11.2 9.5 7.6 7.4
Worsened significantly 4.5 6.1 5.5 4.2 1.4 0.8 1.5

NOTE: 324 responses.

3. How has your ability to retain workers changed over the past month?

Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 3.6 3.1
Improved slightly 24.0 21.0
No change 65.7 66.7
Worsened slightly 5.8 8.3
Worsened significantly 0.8 0.9

NOTE: 324 responses.

4. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the pace of receivables (the money people owe you) coming in?

Jul. '24
Yes, money is coming in more quickly 5.2
Yes, money is coming in more slowly 32.0
No 62.9

NOTE: 291 responses. These calculations exclude the 9.3 percent of respondents selecting "Not applicable—we don’t have receivables."

5. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the amount of spending per customer?

Jul. '24
Yes, an increase 11.7
Yes, a decrease 33.3
No 54.9

NOTE: 315 responses.

5a. In what way(s) has the amount of spending per customer decreased? Please select all that apply.

Jul. '24
Buying fewer products/services 70.5
Delaying purchases 48.6
Switching to cheaper products/services 28.6
Other 7.6

NOTES: 105 responses. This question was only posed to firms seeing a decrease in the amount of spending per customer.

6. Over the past three months, has there been a change in the pace at which your firm pays its bills?

Jul. '24
Yes, we are paying our bills more quickly 2.5
Yes, we are paying our bills more slowly 10.0
No 87.5

NOTE: 321 responses.

6a. What is the primary reason for your slower payment?

Jul. '24
Caution or prudence 50.0
Financial difficulty 37.5
Other 12.5

NOTES: 32 responses. This question was only posed to firms paying their bills more slowly.

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to also provide comments, which can be found in the Comments tab above.

Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey

Data were collected July 16–24, and 78 Texas manufacturers responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire workers?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Yes 73.9 65.5 56.4 52.0 55.4 46.1 46.2
No 26.1 34.5 43.6 48.0 44.6 53.9 53.8

NOTE: 78 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills) 60.3 56.4 52.8 69.2 60.9 63.4 41.7
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 83.8 83.6 64.2 69.2 56.5 53.7 36.1
Applicants looking for more pay than is offered 44.1 58.2 60.4 44.2 45.7 31.7 33.3
Lack of experience 44.1 43.6 41.5 50.0 56.5 39.0 25.0
Applicants seeking more remote work options than offered 12.2 22.2
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills) 45.6 40.0 32.1 46.2 30.4 29.3 19.4
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check   20.6 27.3 24.5 40.4 23.9 19.5 19.4
Other 4.4 0.0 3.8 1.9 0.0 2.4 5.6
None 5.9 5.5 3.8 1.9 4.3 9.8 16.7

NOTES: 36 responses. This question was only posed to firms currently trying to hire workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 3.4 3.9
Improved slightly 15.8 21.7 29.4 22.9 22.2 25.0 23.7
No change 45.6 41.3 50.0 60.0 65.4 64.8 59.2
Worsened slightly 35.1 28.3 17.6 11.4 7.4 4.5 9.2
Worsened significantly 1.8 8.7 2.9 5.7 0.0 2.3 3.9

NOTE: 76 responses.

3. How has your ability to retain workers changed over the past month?

Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 7.9 3.9
Improved slightly 24.7 27.6
No change 59.6 63.2
Worsened slightly 6.7 3.9
Worsened significantly 1.1 1.3

NOTE: 76 responses.

4. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the pace of receivables (the money people owe you) coming in?

Jul. '24
Yes, money is coming in more quickly 1.3
Yes, money is coming in more slowly 41.3
No 57.3

NOTES: 75 responses. These calculations exclude the 1.3 percent of respondents selecting "Not applicable—we don’t have receivables."

5. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the amount of spending per customer?

Jul. '24
Yes, an increase 20.0
Yes, a decrease 42.7
No 37.3

NOTE: 75 responses.

5a. In what way(s) has the amount of spending per customer decreased? Please select all that apply.

Jul. '24
Buying fewer products/services 71.9
Delaying purchases 53.1
Switching to cheaper products/services 21.9
Other 0.0

NOTES: 32 responses. This question was only posed to firms seeing a decrease in the amount of spending per customer.

6. Over the past three months, has there been a change in the pace at which your firm pays its bills?

Jul. '24
Yes, we are paying our bills more quickly 5.3
Yes, we are paying our bills more slowly 13.2
No 81.6

NOTE: 76 responses.

6a. What is the primary reason for your slower payment?

Jul. '24
Caution or prudence 50.0
Financial difficulty 30.0
Other 20.0

NOTES: 10 responses. This question was only posed to firms paying their bills more slowly.

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to also provide comments, which can be found in the Comments tab above.

Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey

Data were collected July 16–24, and 255 Texas business executives responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire workers?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Yes 63.1 60.4 56.2 49.2 51.3 48.6 50.4
No 36.9 39.6 43.8 50.8 48.7 51.4 49.6

NOTE: 252 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 72.7 70.9 70.9 70.1 54.7 47.7 42.9
Applicants looking for more pay than is offered 55.2 50.3 53.3 53.2 57.6 47.0 40.5
Lack of experience  36.4 34.5 35.7 40.3 40.3 28.0 34.1
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills)  32.7 36.4 42.3 44.2 43.9 40.2 32.5
Applicants seeking more remote work options than offered 20.5 31.0
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills)  29.1 21.8 28.6 29.9 26.6 21.2 28.6
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check 14.5 20.0 16.5 16.2 16.5 18.2 14.3
Other 8.5 4.8 8.2 5.8 5.0 6.1 5.6
None 4.8 7.9 3.8 4.5 5.8 12.9 7.9

NOTES: 126 responses. This question was only posed to firms currently trying to hire workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.9 4.0 3.4 2.8
Improved slightly 22.7 23.9 21.7 30.6 23.2 21.8 21.8
No change 50.4 45.3 55.0 53.7 60.9 65.8 67.7
Worsened slightly 21.0 23.9 17.1 11.1 10.1 8.6 6.9
Worsened significantly 5.9 5.1 6.2 3.7 1.8 0.4 0.8

NOTE: 248 responses.

3. How has your ability to retain workers changed over the past month?

Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 2.2 2.8
Improved slightly 23.8 19.0
No change 67.8 67.7
Worsened slightly 5.5 9.7
Worsened significantly 0.7 0.8

NOTE: 248 responses.

4. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the pace of receivables (the money people owe you) coming in?

Jul. '24
Yes, money is coming in more quickly 6.5
Yes, money is coming in more slowly 28.7
No 64.8

NOTES: 216 responses. These calculations exclude the 11.8 percent of respondents selecting "Not applicable—we don’t have receivables."

5. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the amount of spending per customer?

Jul. '24
Yes, an increase 9.2
Yes, a decrease 30.4
No 60.4

NOTE: 240 responses.

5a. In what way(s) has the amount of spending per customer decreased? Please select all that apply.

Jul. '24
Buying fewer products/services 69.9
Delaying purchases 46.6
Switching to cheaper products/services 31.5
Other 11.0

NOTES: 73 responses. This question was only posed to firms seeing a decrease in the amount of spending per customer.

6. Over the past three months, has there been a change in the pace at which your firm pays its bills?

Jul. '24
Yes, we are paying our bills more quickly 1.6
Yes, we are paying our bills more slowly 9.0
No 89.4

NOTE: 245 responses.

6a. What is the primary reason for your slower payment?

Jul. '24
Caution or prudence 50.0
Financial difficulty 40.9
Other 9.1

NOTES: 22 responses. This question was only posed to firms paying their bills more slowly.

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to also provide comments, which can be found in the Comments tab above.

Texas Retail Outlook Survey

Data were collected July 16–24, and 51 Texas retailers responded to the survey.

1. Are you currently trying to hire workers?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Yes 68.9 64.3 57.6 48.6 57.1 46.4 39.2
No 31.1 35.7 42.4 51.4 42.9 53.6 60.8

NOTE: 51 responses.

1a. Are there any impediments to hiring workers? Please select all that apply.

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Lack of available applicants/no applicants 77.4 86.1 78.9 79.4 62.5 57.7 45.0
Lack of technical competencies (hard skills) 41.9 50.0 36.8 55.9 46.9 42.3 30.0
Lack of workplace competencies (soft skills) 25.8 25.0 21.1 32.4 40.6 30.8 30.0
Lack of experience 29.0 27.8 23.7 41.2 31.3 26.9 30.0
Applicants seeking more remote work options than offered 11.5 30.0
Applicants looking for more pay than is offered 45.2 38.9 42.1 50.0 43.8 38.5 25.0
Inability to pass drug test and/or background check 16.1 27.8 28.9 26.5 28.1 38.5 20.0
Other 3.2 2.8 2.6 2.9 9.4 3.8 10.0
None 6.5 0.0 2.6 0.0 6.3 11.5 5.0

NOTES: 20 responses. This question was only posed to firms currently trying to hire workers.

2. How has the availability of applicants changed over the past month?

Apr. '22
Jul. '22
Oct. '22
Jan. '23
Jul. '23
Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.0 4.0
Improved slightly 16.7 19.4 23.3 25.9 19.6 18.5 18.0
No change 75.0 48.4 53.3 51.9 62.5 68.5 72.0
Worsened slightly 8.3 25.8 16.7 18.5 16.1 11.1 6.0
Worsened significantly 0.0 6.5 6.7 3.7 0.0 1.9 0.0

NOTE: 50 responses.

3. How has your ability to retain workers changed over the past month?

Jan. '24
Jul. '24
Improved significantly 1.8 3.9
Improved slightly 21.4 23.5
No change 71.4 66.7
Worsened slightly 5.4 5.9
Worsened significantly 0.0 0.0

NOTE: 51 responses.

4. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the pace of receivables (the money people owe you) coming in?

Jul. '24
Yes, money is coming in more quickly 0.0
Yes, money is coming in more slowly 33.3
No 66.7

NOTES: 42 responses. These calculations exclude the 14.3 percent of respondents selecting "Not applicable—we don’t have receivables."

5. Over the past three months, has your firm seen a change in the amount of spending per customer?

Jul. '24
Yes, an increase 2.0
Yes, a decrease 52.0
No 46.0

NOTE: 50 responses.

5a. In what way(s) has the amount of spending per customer decreased? Please select all that apply.

Jul. '24
Buying fewer products/services 69.2
Delaying purchases 46.2
Switching to cheaper products/services 26.9
Other 11.5

NOTES: 26 responses. This question was only posed to firms seeing a decrease in the amount of spending per customer.

6. Over the past three months, has there been a change in the pace at which your firm pays its bills?

Jul. '24
Yes, we are paying our bills more quickly 0.0
Yes, we are paying our bills more slowly 10.2
No 89.8

NOTE: 49 responses.

6a. What is the primary reason for your slower payment?

Jul. '24
Financial difficulty 60.0
Caution or prudence 40.0
Other 0.0

NOTES: 5 responses. This question was only posed to firms paying their bills more slowly.

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to also provide comments, which can be found in the Comments tab above.

Special Questions Comments

These comments have been edited for publication.

Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey
Food manufacturing
  • We make frozen tamales and are gaining retail customers located in California. We have had to add staff.
Fabricated metal product manufacturing
  • We have a good backlog, but customers/owners are slowing down their delivery and approval deadlines.
Machinery manufacturing
  • We are in a recession; we see it in manufacturing. The BEA [Bureau of Economic Analysis] recession data always lag six months.
  • We are getting squeezed by our customers and suppliers. Everyone wants their money faster, while the oil companies are paying slower. It’s funny that during COVID, oil companies begged us for price reductions and really hammered us, but now they are telling us how they are going to wait 60 days to pay us. On the other hand, suppliers are demanding fast payment with no incentive. We are stuck in the middle, but just wait. They are setting themselves up for real trouble in the future.
Computer and electronic product manufacturing
  • Inventories are getting depleted very slowly due to lack of sales in the capital equipment industry.
Miscellaneous manufacturing
  • Recently, we had a search for several machinists, and the candidates who interviewed were significantly stronger than recent candidates. Additionally, we had all candidates who scheduled interviews attend the interviews. This is a huge shift from prior searches.
Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey
Credit intermediation and related activities
  • In the private sector, employers take employing people very personally and seriously. We must look our staff in the eye. It appears that academia and the government do not comprehend that.
  • Competition for qualified employees has increased.
Rental and leasing services
  • We were adding people to our company rapidly through the first half of the year, but I have now instituted a hiring freeze and an expense freeze. We think things are going to get tighter and harder before they get better.
Professional, scientific and technical services
  • Business activity has slowed, but we see this as temporary, as there are queries and solicitations for upcoming projects. We still cannot find experienced project managers to hire. There are virtually no viable applicants to our job postings.
Administrative and support services
  • The economic pain we are feeling, no matter if the business is small or large, is real.
Texas Retail Outlook Survey
Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
  • Customers are slow paying, and we're trying to stay ahead, but we're falling slightly behind as well.
Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers
  • Inflation, combined with the decrease in demand, has caused a major problem. Employees are requesting—and need—higher salaries to maintain their financial position, but business activity does not allow us to give raises that match inflation.
Nonstore retailers
  • Regulation makes it too hard to obtain a commercial driver license, especially with endorsements. Too much paperwork and administrative delays, and now you have to take a course. Much of the testing material has no relationship to the driver's ability to safely drive a truck. If they would make it easier, we would have more drivers. Lack of drivers makes almost everything in the economy cost more.

Questions regarding the Texas Business Outlook Surveys can be addressed to Emily Kerr at

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