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Dallas Fed recent additions

A comprehensive list of recently added postings on
  • Texas Economic Outlook 2025

    On Feb. 7, Dallas Fed Vice President and Senior Economist Pia Orrenius will release the Dallas Fed's forecast for Texas employment growth for the year and share details on the factors likely to influence Texas economy in 2025.

  • Financial Technology and the 1990s Housing Boom

    This paper shows that locations exposed to initial adopters of Freddie Mac’s Loan Prospector system experienced an early housing boom due to a switch to statistically-informed underwriting rules.

  • Weekly Economic Index

    The WEI is currently 2.23 percent, scaled to four-quarter GDP growth, for the week ended Jan. 11 and 1.96 percent for Jan. 4.

  • Climate Risk, Insurance Premiums and the Effects on Mortgage and Credit Outcomes

    As climate change exacerbates natural disasters, homeowners’ insurance premiums are rising dramatically. This paper examines the impact of premium increases on borrowers’ mortgage and credit outcomes using new data on home insurance policies for 6.7 million borrowers.

  • The Impact of Labels on Real Asset Valuations

    This paper shows that neighborhood labels, frequently used in realtors’ property descriptions, have a causal impact on the demand for housing.

  • Eleventh District Beige Book

    The Eleventh District economy continued to expand moderately over the reporting period. Growth resumed in manufacturing output and activity picked up in nonfinancial services and retail. Bank loan volume expanded, and banks reported increased demand for loans despite continued credit tightening.

  • Solar, battery capacity saved the Texas grid last summer; an uncertain future awaits

    As ERCOT forecasts accelerated load growth due to anticipated data center construction and electrification trends, the current generation mix and market design should garner increased scrutiny.

  • International House Price Database

    The international house price database comprises quarterly house price and personal disposable income (PDI) series for a number of countries.

  • Up in Smoke: The Impact of Wildfire Pollution on Healthcare Municipal Finance

    Wildfire smoke pollution is associated with significantly higher healthcare municipal borrowing costs, amounting to $250 million in realized interest costs for high-smoke counties in 2010–2019, and an estimated $570 million over the following 10 years.

  • Air Pollution and Rent Prices: Evidence from Wildfire Smoke Plumes

    This paper leverages quasi-experimental wildfire smoke shocks to analyze the causal effect of air pollution (PM2.5) on rent prices, using satellite-based smoke plumes data and ambient air pollution data.