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Research Events

Navigating the Changing Energy Landscape


A joint virtual conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. The conference focused on the outlook for the global crude oil market, opportunities and risks of the global energy transition, energy finance and more.


November 20, 2020
8:25 a.m. Welcome & Introduction of Morning Keynote Speaker
  Marc Giannoni, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
8:30 a.m. Morning Keynote
  Robert S. Kaplan, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Moderator: Mark Wynne, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
9:15 a.m. Session I: Near-Term Outlook for Global Oil and Gas Markets
  Session Chair: Mine Yücel, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
10:40 a.m. Session II: Opportunities and Risks of the Global Energy Transition
  Session Chair: Jason Brown, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Noon Lunch Break
12:25 p.m. Introduction to Afternoon Keynote Speaker
  Joe Gruber, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
12:30 p.m. Afternoon Keynote
  Esther George, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
1:15 p.m. Session III: Challenges in Energy Finance
  Session Chair: Jill Cetina, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2:40 p.m. Panel Discussion with Executives on the Changing U.S. Energy Landscape
  Moderator: Chad Wilkerson, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
3:40 p.m. Closing Remarks by Chad Wilkerson and Mine Yücel
3:45 p.m. Adjourn
For More Information

Contact Kunal Patel at