Agricultural Survey
Historical Data
Historical data can be downloaded dating back to first quarter 2000.
- Land Values
Dryland, irrigated cropland, and ranchland values for the Eleventh District and its 13 agricultural regions.
- Cash Rents
Dryland, irrigated cropland and ranchland cash rents for the Eleventh District and its 13 agricultural regions.
- Farm Lending Indexes
Illustrate the demand for loans, the availability of funds, the rate of loan repayment and loan renewals or extensions.
- Loan Volume Indexes by Loan Type
Capture quarterly changes in the volume of several types of farm loans.
- Anticipated Farmland Values and Credit Standards Indexes
Show anticipated trends in farmland values and changes in credit standards.
- Interest Rates by Loan Type
Fixed and variable interest rates for agricultural loans.
Questions regarding the Agricultural Survey can be addressed to Mariam Yousuf at