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  • Short-term credentials meet growing interest among students, employers

    Proponents of short-term credentials hope these programs that are shorter (and often cheaper) than traditional college can boost economic mobility for students who would otherwise forgo a degree.

  • Revisiting the odd behavior of the Beveridge curve as unemployment stays low

    At first glance, it seems unlikely that the unemployment rate would remain stable if the number of job vacancies decreased. However, such a scenario played out recently as the number of firms seeking to fill positions by poaching employees from other firms increased, while the ranks of the unemployed remained relatively stable.

  • Research Department Working Papers

    The Dual Beveridge Curve

    This paper proposes a novel dual vacancy model that segments the labor market into separate search processes for unemployed and employed workers and provides a better fit to the data than traditional models assuming a homogeneous market.

  • Texas Employment Forecast

    The Texas Employment Forecast indicates jobs will increase 2.0 percent (283,500 jobs added) in 2024, with an 80 percent confidence band of 1.2 to 2.8 percent.

  • Hang your hat in Texas: State remains a leader in firm relocations

    Recently released data through 2019 show Texas remains a juggernaut, a leader for business relocations. And while figures covering the subsequent pandemic era and beyond are incomplete, anecdotal evidence suggests Texas remains a go-to spot.

  • Texas Employment Forecast

    The Texas Employment Forecast indicates jobs will increase 3.2 percent in 2023, with an 80 percent confidence band of 3.1 to 3.3 percent.

  • WARN layoff notices signal easing Texas labor market

    Even with Texas employment growing rapidly and jobless rates remaining low in 2023, mass layoffs may be heading higher, according to notices of pending workforce reductions filed with state officials.

  • Widening gap between rich and poor poses challenge to U.S.

    Economist Jeffrey Fuhrer, a nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution and former Boston Fed director of research, discusses the nation’s income and wealth gaps and offers proposals to close them. Fuhrer’s recently published book, “The Myth that Made Us,” explores inequalities in the nation’s economic system.

  • New disruption from artificial intelligence exposes high-skilled workers

    With workers still grappling with the consequences of automation, the lightning-speed pace of artificial intelligence (AI) development poses fresh concerns of a new wave of worker displacement.

  • Texas Employment Forecast

    The Texas Employment Forecast indicates jobs will increase 3.2 percent in 2023, with an 80 percent confidence band of 3.0 to 3.4 percent.