Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2022
Supply chains slowly mend as Texas firms view recovery in 2023
Since the
COVID-19 pandemic
began in early 2020,
disrupted global supply
chains have strained
Texas businesses trying
to meet strong demand.
October 03, 2022
Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2022
Globalization remains a force despite pandemic, political strains
Pol Antràs, the Robert G. Ory Professor of Economics at Harvard University, discusses international trade flows and what the evidence suggests about the world economy and the accompanying debate about whether an era of deglobalization may be at hand.
October 03, 2022
Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2022
Texas exports reach new record despite strong dollar
Texas remains the nation’s top exporter, setting records each month despite the recent appreciation of the dollar. A strong dollar can be bad for business because it makes U.S. goods more expensive overseas.
October 03, 2022
Research Department Working Papers
Uncertainty, Stock Prices and Debt Structure: Evidence from the U.S.-China Trade War
Using the recent U.S.-China trade war as a laboratory, this paper shows that policy uncertainty shocks have a significant impact on stock prices.
August 19, 2022
Firm debt structure can mitigate impact of uncertainty shock
We found evidence that the way a firm structures its debt can mitigate a significant amount of the negative effects from uncertainty shocks, especially for zombie firms.
August 09, 2022
Southwest Economy, Second Quarter 2022
Trade binds Central America, Mexico to U.S. despite past inequities
Raymond Robertson, director of the Mosbacher Institute for Trade, Economics and Public Policy at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, discusses the impact of free trade agreements on Mexico and Central America.
July 01, 2022
Russia counters sanctions’ impact with currency controls, averts crisis (for now)
The Russian central bank responded to unprecedented sanctions with strict capital controls that have stabilized the value of its currency—the ruble.
May 31, 2022
Russia’s war on Ukraine will leave scars on U.S., world economies
The conflict may alter the global economic and geopolitical order, leading to a new era of deglobalization.
May 17, 2022
Federal aid helps border keep pace with Texas economy during pandemic turmoil
U.S. pandemic relief policies boosted the border economy, helping it keep pace with state growth. The restoration of trade with Mexico and a surprise migration surge also supported more-recent border economic activity.
March 01, 2022
Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2021
Missteps along U.S.–Mexico border hinder movement of COVID-19 biomedical trade
While most activity in the Paso del Norte region is concentrated in automotive parts and electronic components, a cluster of biomedical manufacturers has emerged in Juárez in recent years.
September 30, 2021